Ye Zhang 张晔

Work as

  1. “What are you looking for?”
  2. Echoes of Intimacy
  3. Group Parfait
  4. Bonsai
  5. Uselessism Filter
  6. Fancy Shit of Middle Class
  7. Nuclear & Father & Me

Work for

  1. Converse*>
  2. Pepsi︎
  3. Nike︎
  4. & More

Ye Zhang is a Visual artist and designer based in London and Shanghai, currently studying at the Royal College of Art. He uses video installations and graphics To create narratives, and uses real objects, digital connection as a way to explore the identity and social issues.


“What are you looking for?”

Interactive Installations and AR Storytelling

Like this message I received on Grindr, it is simple and straightforward, but often makes it difficult for me to answer. Is it the intimate connection we have with others, the feeling that we are validated, or the constant contradictory behaviour of our inability to unify our bodies and minds? I am constantly talking to people and the answer becomes more and more complex in these conversations; the constant cycle of desire in the social sense as the output of our bodies affecting ourselves, leading to the unification of our consciousness and our bodies. I as a listener and storyteller will explore how the remnants of desire scattered throughout the crowd can be collected and transformed into a visual and auditory presence that can be felt, in order to construct a central point to form positive emotional feedback within the group. 就像我在 Grindr 上收到的这条信息一样,它简单明了,却常常让我难以回答。是我们与他人的亲密联系,是我们被认可的感觉,还是我们无法统一身心的持续矛盾行为?我经常与人交谈,在这些交谈中,答案变得越来越复杂;社会意义上的欲望不断循环,作为我们的身体影响我们自己的输出,导致我们的意识和身体的统一。我作为一个倾听者和故事讲述者,将探索如何收集散落在人群中的欲望残余,并将其转化为可以感受到的视觉和听觉存在,从而构建一个中心点,在群体中形成积极的情感反馈。

Vedio: Exhibition in RCA Kengsinton,30th June -3rd July, 12am-6pm 

注意:视频平台为Youtube,国内无法正常显示请使用VPN  Note: The video platform is YouTube, please use VPN if it can't be displayed normally in China.




These four sculptures with fruit as the main subject were chosen by my four interviewees that I asked them to choose,

3D parts printed from the 2D images derived from the interactive installation,

these sculpture link and a bridge between the interviewers and me, and I left my marks on these fruits by my own hand as a choice of my subjective impressions.


AR Storytelling Vedio