Ye Zhang 张晔

Work as

  1. “What are you looking for?”
  2. Echoes of Intimacy
  3. Group Parfait
  4. Bonsai
  5. Uselessism Filter
  6. Fancy Shit of Middle Class
  7. Nuclear & Father & Me

Work for

  1. Converse*>
  2. Pepsi︎
  3. Nike︎
  4. & More

Ye Zhang is a Visual artist and designer based in London and Shanghai, currently studying at the Royal College of Art. He uses video installations and graphics To create narratives, and uses real objects, digital connection as a way to explore the identity and social issues.



Experimental Installation
Integrated materials, H350 D57cm 


This project explores the concept of uselessness in the era of material excess, and uses a combination of  images and installations to present the results of the exploration.

Uselessness design explores a kind of aimlessness in graphic design. The viewer may pay for things that have no subject and are meaningless. Hopefully, its presence will inspire more people to come up with their own interpretations.


Uselessness makes each seemingly precise piece of machinery out of these objects of value, but as a whole, the device is useless

而通过投影穿过这个装置后产生的成像便是无用主义在二维平面上的表达。The image created by passing the projection through the device is an expression of uselessness in a two-dimensional plane.


The entire installation is divided into three parts in terms of visual representation,which are the reflected image, the filter, and the filtered image. The filter consists of six layers of square plates of different materials, through which the image is filtered, resulting in a useless image on a flat surface.

The whole device is divided into three parts in the visual performance, first focusing on the figure reflected by the device, then the filtering device composed of six useless design boards, finally, the image  projected by the filter device at the rear.



Each layer of the uselessness filter will filter out what is formally useful(?), culminating in the uselessness image on the plane through six layers of filters.

It is hoped that the visual stimulation given by this installation will express the methodology
of uselessness.

