Ye Zhang 张晔

Work as

  1. “What are you looking for?”
  2. Echoes of Intimacy
  3. Group Parfait
  4. Bonsai
  5. Uselessism Filter
  6. Fancy Shit of Middle Class
  7. Nuclear & Father & Me

Work for

  1. Converse*>
  2. Pepsi︎
  3. Nike︎
  4. & More

Ye Zhang is a Visual artist and designer based in London and Shanghai, currently studying at the Royal College of Art. He uses video installations and graphics To create narratives, and uses real objects, digital connection as a way to explore the identity and social issues.


Echoes of Intimacy (WIP)

Exhibition in ︎︎︎ “Future Cave”︎︎︎
27-28 May 2023
Metre Squared, London, UK

This project explore a non-acute perspective on the relationship between ourselves and other objects, while exploring alternative expressions of bodily extension.

When we leave traces and echoes in digital space, do they become our creations, just like the physical traces we leave behind unconsciously, do these digital creations have some of the same intimacy as contact traces, do they represent our physical projections, our extensions of consciousness? The traces of digital space and physical space intermingle and feed back into each other, ultimately forming an organic whole that responds to our physical movements and extensions of consciousness.

Participant's experiment

Beatrice Allegranti (2011) writes: “Bodies are quintes- sentially interdisciplinary; we are socially and biologically constructed. Moreover, bodies are not neutral: gender, sexuality, ethnicity and class are socio-political aspects that shape our mental, emotional and physical selves and inform our ethi- cal values” (p. 487).

What we project onto the material is our body refraction, It is precisely our reflection on the body that makes us project our will onto the material, and the shaped object ends up becoming another of our bodies. And this object that we shape will have a connection and intimacy with us, a reflection of our own gender, our spiritual world

The traces left by our bodies also still reflect our past, our thinking and everything else.

In the same way, those traces left by our unconsciousness are also creations left by our bodies, and when we look back at these traces, we unconsciously feel some familiarity with it, like the footprints on the beach with our feet, the tear marks of paper torn off with our hands, the history produced by browsing the web ....

Are these our creations, do these marks also create a sense of intimacy. We leave our mark under the material with our bodies, the raw intimacy of contact evokes memories of shaping the material, but what will we feel when we leave non-contact traces and creations?

This project explore a non-acute perspective on the relationship between ourselves and other objects, while exploring alternative expressions of bodily extension.

Exhibition Clips↓

Full Video↓

Sound By Sadie
Performance Collaboration: T Ziyi