Bonsai aims to critique a forbidden ideology, and I build a bonsai garden as a metaphor for the distorted will of people.
Lao Xiexie
It is starting with an ideology theft event, in which is a photographer named “Laoxiexie”, pretends as a typical poor young Chinese woman with artistic dreams on social media, and uses this ideology to gain more attention and to profit.
And is not only case of pretending to be a Chinese artist In order to profit like Tao hongjing, which is a painter who pretends as a Chinese artist for ten years, and confessing to being a Chinese artist will help him gain more attention in the art market, also there has an interesting thing is the International market seems to be very interested in the work of Chinese artists.
Western Perspectives and Eastern Fantasy
These artists wears a mask to pretend an Asian artist and wears it firmly on his face, hoping to attract more attention and profit from this identity label. However, beneath the mask, there were not penetrated into the lives of local Chinese people, remaining only on the surface of his own imagination to speak out on behalf of Chinese artists and contemporary Chinese culture.
" The act of non-Chinese artists pretending to be Chinese not only makes a mockery of the hopes and needs of those misunderstood and marginalized groups to be heard and seen, but also ideologically manipulates the authentic cultural voices that are already visible to international audiences".
2021 · Video
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The art of bonsai, which represents the unity of form and spiritual beauty in Eastern aesthetics, occupies a unique place in Chinese culture and has been described as a 'three-dimensional painting' and a 'silent poem', which is created to please the human being. In creating a bonsai, the plant is transplanted into a pot. Then, the naturally growing branches and trunks are twisted with metal wire to create the desired form, representing the aesthetic system that man uses to manipulate other beings. And I found that I wanted to express and criticize this phenomenon in the same way as the oriental bonsai.